A Word from Pastor Joel What the angel told the shepherds: "I bring you good news of great joy for all people" is just as true today as it was over 2000 years ago! Jesus' arrival is still good news. That good news should still result in great joy! And that good news is still for all people! My persistent prayer for you is that you are aware (to know Christ) of the goodness of the Gospel and that you share (to make Him known) the Gospel with all people! Twos small answers to that prayer would come in the form of you committing to be at this week's Sunday' Gathering and you inviting someone who has never heard or has forgotten that news of great joy with you this weekend! I will be continuing our Christmas Series with a message called, "Our Only Hope" that will start in Luke 2, move to Romans 4 and conclude with Revelation 5. I look forward to seeing and being with each of you! If you can't make it this weekend or missed last weekend, you can stay connected through our website or our app.
As I said this past Sunday, "Thank You!" to all our volunteers that baked/bought cookies and served at the event! I was overflowing with gratitude to God as I watched Bara mix and mingle with our community! It is an honor to pastor such a loving church body! As a small token of the love we have for you, Kim and I would like to invite you all (yes, the entire church) to our house for lunch on Sunday, December 20thfor "Tamalelujah!" It is our way of saying "Feliz Navidad!" We will have 600 tamales, rice and beans and drinks ready to go for lunch and would love for you to come! We will get started a few minutes after the Gathering. If you don't like tamales, feel free to bring your own food or just come for the fellowship! It is a come and go event between 11:30 and 1:30. We live at 214 Inverness Dr. in Trophy Club, TX 76262. The entire family is welcome!
I love you, Bara! Always have and always will. 2015 has been a good year for us and we've seen God move in big and small ways as we have prayed beautiful and strong prayers. My hope and prayer is that we implore "The Kick" and pursue God in prayer harder than ever these last 21 days of the year! May we continue to bow in humility, abide in community, redeem in ministry and advance through generosity in 2016!
BSM Serve: Christmas Caroling This Sunday afternoon, from 3-4pm, we are headed to Meadowood Assisted Living (4545 Merlot Ave. Grapevine) to make a joyful noise. Anybody and everybody is welcome to join us for Christmas Caroling, ADULTS INCLUDED. This is a great event to do as a whole family! We always have a great time and will have cards and candy to hand out. Note the unique time and don't miss out on this great opportunity to bless. Contact Ryan if you need a ride, otherwise we'll all meet there!
If you have any questions about Bara Student Ministries (BSM), please contact the Youth Pastor, Ryan Bradley at Ryan@barachurch.com. For more information on BSM, please visit barachurch.com/bsm.
Growing Givers & Angel Tree We just wanted to say one more huge THANK YOU to all who bought and brought gift for the angle tree as well as those who prayed for and helped in Growing Givers in any way. Our kids loved learning about the Great Gift Giver!
B-Kids We will pick back up with lesson 4 in Christmas Shop of Wonders. The focus will be on the children learning that Christmas is a time of joy, and that the good news of Jesus’ birth should be shared with other people.
Christmas at Westlake For the fourth year in a row Bara Church will be hosting a Christmas Eve service at Westlake Academy on Thursday December 24th at 5pm. Our Sunday Gathering on December 27th will also be held at Westlake at 10:00am. The address is 2600 Ottinger Rd in Westlake, Tx. Please click herefor directions.
G E N E S I S This is your beginning with Bara. See who we are, our mission, vision and core commitments. Hear about our journey, our past, present and future. Learn what we do, how we connect and serve. You will be able to get your questions answered and much more. Look for information regarding the location and date of our next GENESIS, coming soon.
bGroups bGroups are small groups that meet regularly. They help people build community and grow in their faith. If you are interested or have questions, visit barachurch.com/b-groups. Contact: groups@barachurch.com.
M.O.B. The M.O.B (Men of Bara) meet at the Trophy Club Country Club, 500 Trophy Club Dr. on Wednesdays from 6am – 7am for Bible study. Contact: mob@barachurch.com
The Men of Bara are going to The Hills Men’s Conference, so mark your calendars for January 29-30th (Friday & Saturday). Many detail are to come, but in the meantime please be sure to put this on your new 2016 calendar! Contact: Tommy Maddox: Tommy@barachurch.com
Bara Beautiful Ladies please mark your calendars and save the date for the IF Conference February 5th & 6th. (Friday & Saturday). Many details to come! Please contact Kim Quile: Kim@barachurch.com
Arise and Build If you love accomplishing a lot at one time (think: one stop shopping) then you need to come check out our Arise and Build Prayer Nights every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm at the BARA offices. In less than an hour, you can praise The Lord for all He is doing in and through Arise and Build while you answer His call to pray audaciously for what is to come and if that wasn't enough: you will get to build new relationships with your BARA family!! One of the sweet byproducts of our Prayer Nights for those of us that have been participating is that we have experienced the joy of getting to know each other better in ways that can only happen by praying and spending time together. Give it a try and see how God can use a time of prayer devoted to building a building to actually build His church! For directions to the Bara Church office click here. For additional information click here.
Automate the Important Would you be willing to set up an online giving profile on our website and automate the important? Not only will you not have to bring a checkbook to church, you will help us grow our ministries during all seasons of the year. If you miss a Sundaygathering or you like to do your finances with a debit or credit card. You might be interested to know that you can go to our website and make an offering online. Any offering you give will be entered into the barabase, which you can look at any time to see the up to date amount given by you or a family member. At the end of the year we will send you a year end giving statement for tax purposes. So jump in today and Automate the Important! To give right now, simply click here.
Stay Connected To listen to and watch a sermon click here. Visit us on facebook. Check the Website. Download the Bara Church App. Use the Barabase.