Bara Beat 12.03.15

Dear Bara,

Pastor Joel will begin a new series this Sunday titled, The Gift.

BSM: Elf & Christmas Cards
Join us this Sunday night at the Beard's (215 Fresh Meadow, TC) from 6-7:15pm as we enjoy the movie "Elf" and make Christmas cards we'll be handing out the following Sunday when we go Christmas caroling.  We'll have tons of good snacks and drinks to enjoy as well.  Grab a friend and come join us!
If you have any questions about Bara Student Ministries (BSM), please contact the Youth Pastor, Ryan Bradley at  For more information on BSM, please visit

Growing Givers
This Sunday, starting at 9:45am, our BKids will be enjoying our Growing Givers event.  Join us as our kids experience a fun filled morning while learning about the joy of giving this holiday season through fun activities, practical applications and hearing about the Biggest and Best Giver ever!  Please invite your little friends to join us for this great opportunity!  There will be handouts/invites in the bulletin this Sunday with even more information so be sure to get yours and spread the word.  For more information, check out

Angel Tree
Please don't forget to bring the items you selected from the tree to Growing Givers this Sunday so our kids can wrap them.  Thanks again to all who participated in blessing this local family!

Christmas Celebration
The town of Trophy Club is having their annual Christmas Celebration this Saturday, December 5th at 6:30pm at the Trophy Club Clock Tower. There will be a variety of free tasty treats, holiday songs, Mayor Sanders will read T’was the Night Before Christmas and Santa Claus will make a special appearance (Photographs with Santa encouraged)!

Christmas at Westlake
For the fourth year in a row Bara Church will be hosting a Christmas Eve service at Westlake Academy on Thursday December 24th at 5pm. Our Sunday Gathering on December 27th will also be held at Westlake at 10:00am. The address is 2600 Ottinger Rd in Westlake, Tx. Please click herefor directions.

This is your beginning with Bara. See who we are, our mission, vision and core commitments. Hear about our journey, our past, present and future. Learn what we do, how we connect and serve. You will be able to get your questions answered and much more. Look for information regarding the location and date of our next GENESIS, coming soon.

bGroups are small groups that meet regularly. They help people build community and grow in their faith. If you are interested or have questions, visit Contact:

The M.O.B (Men of Bara) meet at the Trophy Club Country Club, 500 Trophy Club Dr. on Wednesdays from 6am – 7am for Bible study. Contact:

The Men of Bara are going to The Hills Men’s Conference, so mark your calendars for January 29-30th (Friday & Saturday). Many detail are to come, but in the meantime please be sure to put this on your new 2016 calendar! Contact: Tommy Maddox:

Bara Beautiful
Ladies please mark your calendars and save the date for the IF Conference February 5th & 6th. Please look for more details in the near future.

Arise and Build
If you love accomplishing a lot at one time (think: one stop shopping) then you need to come check out our Arise and Build Prayer Nights every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm at the BARA offices. In less than an hour, you can praise The Lord for all He is doing in and through Arise and Build while you answer His call to pray audaciously for what is to come and if that wasn't enough: you will get to build new relationships with your BARA family!! One of the sweet byproducts of our Prayer Nights for those of us that have been participating is that we have experienced the joy of getting to know each other better in ways that can only happen by praying and spending time together. Give it a try and see how God can use a time of prayer devoted to building a building to actually build His church!  For directions to the Bara Church office click here. For additional information click here.

Automate the Important
Would you be willing to set up an online giving profile on our website and automate the important?
Not only will you not have to bring a checkbook to church, you will help us grow our ministries during all seasons of the year. If you miss a Sundaygathering or you like to do your finances with a debit or credit card. You might be interested to know that you can go to our website and make an offering online. Any offering you give will be entered into the barabase, which you can look at any time to see the up to date amount given by you or a family member. At the end of the year we will send you a year end giving statement for tax purposes. So jump in today and Automate the Important! To give right now, simply click here.
Stay Connected
 To listen to and watch a sermon click here.
Visit us on facebook.
Check the Website.
Download the Bara Church App.
Use the Barabase.