Bara Blast 10.30.14

Dear Bara,

Bara Student Ministry
BSM Worship: 10% Thankfulness
This Sunday night we'll be gathering at the Bradley's (4004 Shrike Trail, Roanoke) from 6-7:15pm as we stop to talk about Thankfulness.  With November already here and the holidays approaching, we wanted to take some time and see what true thankfulness looks like in our everyday lives.  We'll have our usual worship time, fun, games, and snacks to liven the party a little bit.  We'll see you there! 
BSM Whirlyball
On Sunday night, November 16th, BSM is heading to Whirlyball (147 East Harwood Road, Hurtst 76054).  This is one of our biggest events.  The cost is $10 and that gets you an hour of Whirlyball fun and dinner.  EVERY student who wishes to attend MUST fill out a medical release form (click here to get one).  There are only 50 spots for this event so it's first come first serve so reserve your spot early.  We'll also need parents who would be willing to drive students to and from this event. We will meet at Byron Nelson High School and leave promptly at 6:15pm.  We'd ask that all students be there with everything turned in by 6pm so we can divide into carpools, pray and leave on time. To get a form, volunteer to drive or for any other questions, please contact Ryan (email listed below). For any questions about BSM, please contact Ryan Bradley at

I hope everyone is enjoying this spooky week!  In this weeks Wee kids lesson the children will learn all about Moses and the burning bush.  In Be Kids the kids will learn about the fruit of the Spirit and that they are sanctified through Jesus. I am looking forward to seeing your bright and shiny faces this Sunday!

Groups at Bara
If you are interested in Groups, please indicate that on your communication card and put it in the Offering Basket. The person to contact for groups is Dennis O’Brien:

Bara Church would like to invite you to experience WELCOME. WELCOME is a monthly luncheon designed for guests who have been attending Bara Church gatherings to get to know the church family on a deeper level. In WELCOME, we will explain what we believe, how we operate, and the history of our church. If you want to join the body of believers here at Bara Church, WELCOME is your first step. If you have questions or simply want to get to know a few families better, WELCOME is for you. The lunch is free, childcare is free, and committing to participate is easy – The next WELCOME will be Sunday November 16th at the home of Tommy & Jennifer Maddox. Their address is 2541 Morgan Lane in Trophy Club. To sign up click here. For directions click here. If you have any questions please email Jennifer at
Men of Bara please join us each Wednesday morning at 6:00 am for a Bible study led by Pastor Joel at Vinny’s. Contact: For directions click here.
Arise and Build
If you love accomplishing a lot at one time (think: one stop shopping) then you need to come check out our Arise and Build Prayer Nights every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm at the BARA offices. In less than an hour, you can praise The Lord for all He is doing in and through Arise and Build while you answer His call to pray audaciously for what is to come and if that wasn't enough: you will get to build new relationships with your BARA family!! One of the sweet byproducts of our Prayer Nights for those of us that have been participating is that we have experienced the joy of getting to know each other better in ways that can only happen by praying and spending time together. Give it a try and see how God can use a time of prayer devoted to building a building to actually build His church! For more information and directions to the Bara Church office click here.

Automate the Important
Would you be willing to set up an online giving profile on our website and automate the important?
Not only will you not have to bring a checkbook to church, you will help us grow our ministries during all seasons of the year. If you miss a Sunday gathering or you like to do your finances with a debit or credit card. You might be interested to know that you can go to our website and make an offering online. Any offering you give will be entered into the barabase, which you can look at any time to see the up to date amount given by you or a family member. At the end of the year we will send you a year end giving statement for tax purposes. So jump in today and Automate the Important! To give right now, simply click here.

Daily Bible Reading Plan
One of our Core Commitments is humility, which is a result of bowing before God. One of the ways we submit to God and let Him lead us is to read the Bible daily. To get this week’s reading click here.

Love14God is the prayer, passion and promise of Bara Church in 2014. We encourage you to connect with Love14God on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and see the power of love! Click here for more information.

Stay Connected
To listen to a sermon click here.
To watch a sermon online click here.
Visit us on facebook.
Check the Website.
Download the Bara Church App.
Use the Barabase