The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray in Luke 11.
'Teach Me' is a back to school series that is based from the Lord's Prayer that Jesus taught His disciples.
1. Meet The Teacher
God bore our sins so that we would become righteous. We're the student. He's the teacher. He's in charge of the class.
What could we learn about prayer from the Teacher of our souls?
2. Praying The Wrong Way
Could it be, by praying the wrong direction, we could actually be praying the wrong prayers?
This sermon is less about whether or not we are asking for the right or correct things, but more to do with the focus and direction of our prayers.
3. Bigger Than Bread
"Give us today our daily bread."
Sometimes we resist asking for things. We think if we have to ask someone to give to us, that we are somehow weak or inferior. That we should be able to do it ourselves instead.
But the interesting thing is, that Jesus starts this part of the prayer with the word 'GIVE.' He models for us to ask God to give. That we should express our dependence on Him.
To ask is to trust.
4. Not So Simple Math
When you are working with math formulas and solving problems and you're using a pencil and paper, it can be a handy tool to have an eraser. Sometimes you mess up, and you need to start over. So you erase your work, and start again.
Well, in life it's not always easy to just erase the things that are happening around us that we don't like. Sometimes we get hurt, and sometimes we hurt people. We want to make it go away, but the pain is still there.
God is able to forgive us if we put our faith in Jesus, because Jesus took our punishment when He died on the cross. If you believe in Jesus then you have been forgiven for your sins. And as a part of our new faith, God calls us to forgive others, just as we have been forgiven (Ephesians 4:32).
It's not easy to do, but with God we're able to.
5. The Worst Bus Driver
Pastor Joel tells a story of how he used to take kids around in a bus and took detours to beat traffic, and found ways to amuse the kids along the way. He described himself as a bad bus driver.
But he claims that their's an even worse bus driver out there.
Who is he? And is he asking you to get on the bus too?
Which bus are you on?
6. The Principle of the Principal