Spend time at a random nursing home
Pick up groceries for elderly
Visit nursing homes
Local Missions work: Serve the elderly
Visit people in old folks home
Play bingo at nursing home
Volunteer to help elderly in TC/Roanoke
Prepare meals for the elderly
Nursing homes
Mow Elders lawns
Help elderly maintain home
Prepare meals for the ill
Make a meal for someone who is ill
Community food/clothes drive
Serving Community in need/tornado relief
Hand out socks for kids house to house
Have a Bara Ice Cream truck for community
Fix houses, paint houses in community
Praying - Drive around community & pray for each household
Witnessing - Hand out tracks
Inviting people to church
Cook outs - Feed the community
Providing trash truck for large garage items to community
Volunteer at women’s shelter
Help promote knowledge of dangers of sex trafficking in our area.
Work outreach to women in danger on the streets
Local Missions work: Food Pantry
Give to food pantry
Collect blankets for homeless
Serve at homeless shelter or soup kitchen
Hand out water to those asking for money on the side of the road
Go through your closet and collect clothes for the needy
Donate old clothes & toys
Donate more to the community
Give donations to children in need in our community; donate time!
Feed homeless
Serve the church - kids/setup/programs
Connect a families ministry
Have a bible study for women
Call someone who has been gone from church awhile
Mission trips (domestic, international)… Nicaragua…
Set up the church
Set up and tear down
Watch Youth Pastor’s kids during youth
Help out once a month with BLT set-up
Serve more for the church
Elderly church mentoring program
Young Life
Work Crew
Mission trip
Serve church
Helping a family in need
Take a meal to a widowed mother
Watch a friend’s child
Reach out to widows and orphans
Take meals to families that are struggling in any way
Movie night for families
Marriage enrichment program
Make a meal for someone who had a baby
Make a meal for someone in need
Baby sit new moms
Take a little gift to new neighbors
Build relationships with neighbors
Mow neighbors lawn
Serve neighbors in need
Walk your neighbors dogs
Know your neighbors
Tutoring (online or in person) for those struggling
Send encouragement cards to college students
Mentor a kid at school
Spend more time mentoring high school kids on college/ career choices
Sit with kids without friends
Sitting with students alone in dining hall
Be a resource and tutor other students
Drive people to school
Donate books to schools in need
Volunteer at local school
Thank teachers
Help families in need at the schools
Help with the special ed at school
Go cheer on your local HS sports teams
Volunteer at a local school
Volunteer at Westlake Academy or Byron Nelson
Help pick up around school
Help clean up at school/gym
Start an organization that helps students plan their future after high school
Clean out closets & give clothes to Goodwill
Local missions work: Habitat for Humanities
American cancer society. Volunteer.
Appollo rescue (volunteer)
Volunteer - play with dogs - clean cages at Appollo Dog rescue
Volunteer with Special Olympics
Giving money
Financial education counseling
Donate money that would be spent on superficial items to improve the lives of others
At Home
Help my parents around the house
Serve my parents
Make time for games with family
Serve family - be supportive
Watch sports with my husband
Watch the notebook with my wife
Kiss your wife every day
Stay awake, spend as much time as I can with my wife!
Cook more for my husband. Take more of an interest in his hockey.
Send encouraging notes/cards letting others know they matter
Actually listen and pray for & with the people that mean most to me but also people I feel a heavy heart for
Help other people shine to showcase their gifts
Take a friend/family member to lunch
Ask advice from a friend
Write thank you & encouragement notes
Make a meal for someone in need
Host a play date for kids
Treat someone to ice-cream
Write cute notes with compliments for people
Being nice to annoying people
Home when someone is hurting, don’t just call. Go to them and pray with them.
Service Men & Women
Send thank you cards to servicemen & women
Make a monthly meal for local police/firefighters
Bake cookies for fire + police departments
Volunteer in community - support police in TC (blue lights)
Write letters to soldiers fighting
Spend time with war veterans
At Work
Help my co-workers attitudes and be a beacon of light for them all
Write a weekly note to a co-worker
Hand out gift cards at Walmart
Offer a word of encouragement to passers by
Spend time with little kids
Help girls to see their worth
Local Missions work: Clean Up’s
Baskets of “stuff” for people sitting in waiting rooms of hospitals
Bring tennis balls to a dog park
Smile at 10 people you don’t know every day
Pickup 3 pieces of trash every day
Serve God more in my life
Share God’s word
Pray for someone
Pray for one another/others
Help that lady with all the special need kids that goes to the Roanoke Pharmacy (mason or Kim knows her name)
Make dinner for someone in the hospital
Give someone a hug
Give a stranger a hug
Holding door
Pay for someone’s lunch - randomly - a stranger
Don’t just think about doing it. Do it!
Find a person in need and simply listen to them
Smile at everyone you see
Help more