Life Story
I was raised in a Christian home in Houston, Texas. I came to know Jesus as my Savior at 6 years old. At 12 years old, while at a Steve Green concert, Jesus called me to rededicate my life to him. That night He became not only my Savior but also my Lord-the One in charge of my life. I transferred from Christian school to public school in 9th grade. It was a hard transition, but a time of growth in my faith as I drew closer to Jesus. I saw my high school as a mission field to which I had been called. I was active in leadership in my youth group. After high school, I attended LeTourneau University where I met my husband, Norm, and graduated with my Accounting degree. We moved to Wichita, Kansas after graduation. My life’s dream was always to be a wife and mother. I worked for a few years before coming home to be a stay-at-home mom when my son, Caleb was born. I also have a daughter, Emily, and another son, Ben. Being a mom is just plain hard! Through the journey, God has taught me much about faith, trust, surrender, and grace.
After 14 years in Wichita, God moved our family to Grand Rapids, Michigan. This was a huge step for me as it called me to leave everything behind-my friends, my family, my church, my routines. On top of all of this, my husband started traveling about 80% of the time. Basically, I felt all alone. God was putting me into a place where He could strip everything away and let me feel the emptiness so that I could answer the question He was asking me, “Am I enough?” I wrestled with Him over this answer for about 2 years where I sat with Him, cried a lot, journaled what was going on in my heart, and waited on Him to take away the pain of loneliness. I finally heard Him saying, “You are not alone, I am here.” It was a journey that was painful, but sweet as I allowed my God to speak into and minister to me like no other could (because no other was ever supposed to.)
After 3 years in Michigan, we moved to Trophy Club, Texas, for my husband’s job. One of the worst things about moving is “church shopping.” We were blessed that God led us to BARA within the first month of arriving in town. The heart of BARA to minister to people so that we can lead people to Christ was in tune with what God had spoken to our hearts over the years. We were so excited about the heart of the people of BARA for the next generation and for “doing church” not just going to church. “Faith without works is dead.”
About Me
Favorite Restaurants
Breakfast restaurants
Farm to Table restaurants
Favorite Drink
Americano (coffee)
Favorite Holiday
Middle Name
July 1st
Things I Like To Do For Fun
Spend time with Friends
Favorite Bible Verse
"But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, O Sovereign LORD, I will proclaim your righteousness, yours alone. Since my youth, O God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come." - Psalm 71: 14-18