Senior Celebration 2019 Grpahic.jpg

The cost is $3 per adult and $2 per student/kid.  You can reserve your ticket today by clicking the RSVP button below. Thank you, Bara, for loving on the next generation!

Senior Celebration

20 years ago God spoke to the heart of Kim Quile the words of Romans 12:15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice...” And so it would begin… God planted a vision in her that would grow to become a manifestation of the calling to rejoice with graduating seniors and their families through an event called Senior Celebration.

2019 senior celebration

when: sunday, April 28th

time: 7-9pm

where: bara building

Senior Celebration has transformed over the past 20 years with different scripture inspired themes, but permanently adopted the theme “An Evening with the Stars” in 1998. This theme and our prayer is now inspired by Daniel 12:3 – “Those who are wise will shine like the bright heavens. And those who lead many to do what is right and good will shine like the stars forever and ever.”

Graduation is an important milestone.

We believe that enduring 12 or more years and thousands of hours of school without giving up deserves more than a walk across the stage to receive their diploma. School is life changing! It is a time of many challenges both good and bad. School can be a time of failure, discouragement, isolation and heartaches, but also gives you growth, friendships, education, and many great memories.

We as a faith family and community are called to join with the graduating seniors and their families to celebrate past accomplishments while extending encouragement for future goals and dreams!

2018 Senior Celebration Recap

Seniors, as you step out on your road, remember this is not goodbye. It’s just “we love you” to take with you. May you go and do life big and always shine like the stars forever and ever!