This is a generation that is not just hungry for big faith, but for a big faith that is lived out in the practical, mundane things we do and the decisions that we make everyday. What does it look like to follow God and live out this faith in our relationships, at our jobs, in conflict, in suffering, with money? Faith can move mountains, but it can also change our everyday circumstances, so we are going to look at God’s word to do that in one of the most practical, yet misunderstood, books of the Bible - Proverbs. Proverbs doesn’t show us a set of rules, but a different way to live that is so attractive, so fragrant, flowing through our lives, actions, relationships, and work, and drawing people to Christ. Together, we are going to discover what it looks like to do these things, not perfectly, but in good faith, trying our best to obey God and His way of life.

Cost: $10


Friday, February 8th Saturday, February 9th

Doors open at 5:30pm. Doors open at 8:30am.

Session 1 6p-9p Session 2 9a-12p

Session 3  2p-5p



Bara Church

301 Trophy Lake Dr., #136

Trophy Club, TX. 76262

For more information visit or email