The dictionary defines it this way: To move from one place or point to another; travel. leave; depart. an attempt or trial at something. (have a GO at something) functioning properly. (all systems GO)
2017 is the year to GO for Bara Church!
We will GO low in humility.
We will GO deep in community.
We will GO far in ministry.
And we will GO big in generosity.
2017 is the year that we GO and move our Gatherings into a new space.
2017 is the year that we GO to Uganda.
2017 is the year that we GO to the next level in our marriages and families.
2017 is the year that we GO more into God’s presence than ever before!
And 2017 is the year that we obey the GO of the GOspel with everything in us!
Jesus didn’t stay in heaven. He came to earth. And once He arrived, He was constantly on the GO! And before he went back to heaven, He gave us a charge:
Matthew 28:19 says, “GO therefore and make disciples.”
Join Bara Church in 2017 as we GO!
And remember, He is with us wherever we GO!