The Dog Days of Summer

In the Bible, Deuteronomy is one epic sermon Moses fervently preached to the Children of Israel before taking the Promised Land. As Moses recounts their history and summarizes the law, he also pleads for obedience because, in fact, one condition God firmly gave the Israelites for entering and holding on to their blessed Promised Land was most assuredly obedience! 

"And now , O Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” - Deuteronomy 10:12 

Truly, Deuteronomy is more than a dutiful discourse of rules and regulations. Rather, it is a beautiful declaration of God's grace and goodness because unlike in the first four books of the Pentateuch when He chose them, God is now giving Israel the opportunity to choose Him. How cool is that? 

Obedience. Let us be clear; the Father’s call to obedience looks and feels a whole lot different than man’s. We put collars and leashes on our pups and lead them around to our liking; however, in contrast, God’s command for obedience allows us to break free from bondage and enables us to run freely and bountifully into unimaginable opportunities, privileges and rewards not based on our own merits but on the righteousness of His Son Jesus. 

Join Bara Church right dab in the middle of this blazin' hot Texas season for an original Bara Series: The Dog Days of Summer: the Tail-Waggin’ Joy of Obedience! It kicks off this Sunday with a message called, The Design of Obedience! 

Sunday, July 1st - The Design of Obedience

Sunday, July 8th - The Opportunity of Obedience

Sunday, July 15th - The Grace of Obedience

If you've missed any of these messages or would like to see some of our funny bumper videos, announcements or other messages, check out our Vimeo page!